Monday, June 10, 2013

NEW RESEARCH - less wrinkles for SPF users!

Did you see the news release last week in The Wall Street Journal about  the study published in the  Annals of Internal Medicine showing that  people instructed to apply sunscreen every day for four years showed 24% less skin aging, as measured by lines and coarseness of the skin, than those told to use the cream as they usually do?

Dermatologists have told us this for years and now there is research to back it up.  So, with regular use you get a "two-fer", less skin cancer and less wrinkles! I truly think the threat of wrinkles is a more powerful behavior-changer than the threat of cancer. (This is especially true for young people whose sunburns may put them at risk for skin cancer decades later, but wrinkles start now!)  What a no-brainer SPF is.  We all love a bargain.  I can't think of a better one! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

FLUSHING - with serums, etc.

Just a word of warning to those of you trying a serum,  a masque, or a treatment product for the first time  -YOU MAY NOTICE SOME FLUSHING the first time or two.   We always can provide  samples to try, and,  a list of ingredients is available for all products.  This gives you a chance to try before you buy.  I would suggest putting the product on your neck or some inconspicuous area  to see how you react to it.

 Here's a funny story: My husband and I were on vacation, rained in, and looking for something to do. I suggested I would give him a facial since he never had had one, and he warily agreed.  When we were done he looked in the mirror and shouted, "I'm pink!"  I tried to talk him down, saying his face wasn't conditioned and it was natural and it would go away, blah, blah, blah.  The next morning he got up and was still a pretty shade of pink, and I was sweating it,  but it disappeared fairly quickly.  Although he wasn't too keen on the "pink flush", he was thrilled at how smooth and clear his skin looked, so there was some compensation for him.  Of course, a flush is one thing, an itchy rash is another. Obviously, you would discontinue use with a rash.